Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why is Indian Government so insensitive to feeling of Hindus ?

Is there any evidence of God's (any religion) existence in this world ? Can any court (whether in India or anywhere else) make any meaningful conclusion on this? From when did this question moved from philosophical domain to the domain of litigation and courts ? These are some of the questions that crossed my mind when I heard of the Sethusamudram controversy and the stand/proposition adopted by Indian Government. Can government take such positions ? Who gave them this power ?
India is a secular country and its granted that any body can have views that may be at odd with others but for a Government to come up with such proposition in any legal court of the land is simply sad and appaling. I think no one has chosen the Indian government to make decisions on matters of their own faith and asuch Government has no right to question the existence of any religion or its leaders.
That said, serious doubts on Shri Ramji existence, that too coming from the Indian Central Government, is very strange if not outright hysterical. I have a feeling that this statement is directly hurting the fundamental rights of all Hindus, who are a majority in India last time I checked. Or may be things have changed and I dont know much about it. How do you justify ASI challenging the existence of Lord Ram? Is anyone going to question the existence of the state of Israel, which depends entirely on a mythological claim that the present territory of Israel is the land which God promised to its so called chosen ones i.e. the Jews? Is there a record of this conversation? A claim - which may or may not be true has been the cause of so much trouble in that part of the region and I am not denying that right of Israel to exist - has been accepted by the world and world goes along with it and has accepted the existence of an entire country. Yet, it seems fashionable to question the existence of a feature which has been referred to in the Hindu texts, and stands till date. I would like someone to give me proof God promising the state of Israel to the Jews, which the world seems to have accepted. I would also someone to prove that Mary was a virgin, and that Christ was resurrected - beliefs that are foundations of the Christian faith.
With the same token, I would also like someone to prove by an objective scientific standard that religious revelations of prophets, accepted by Muslims, Jews, and Christians, are not delusional figments of imagination.
We have countries who are very much on this planet where blashamy (read Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and so on....) is punishable by death - I do not look up to them with any reverence and they are not my role model - but we very much do business with their support in their own forums...but when it comes to sentiments of Hindus - blashamy is rewarded !

I would advise everyone particularly Supreme Court, ASI or anyone concerned that they should not challenge the age old faith of any religion. Every system makes rules only to run the society efficiently. Such claims would definitely defeat the purpose and may snowball in to major disturbances across the globe.

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